Thursday, October 19, 2006

Brewster Questions Brown

Will Jeff Brown disclose his actual involvement?

from the Syracuse Post-Standard
October 19, 2006

Brown's 'Come Home' program raises questions

To the Editor:

Assemblyman Jeff Brown's campaign ads tout the "Come Home to Syracuse" program as an indication of his commitment to the area.

In December 2001, then-Assemblyman Hal Brown spent $6,191 in taxpayer money on a newsletter featuring a photograph of father and son, with a quotation from Hal supporting Come Home as a program Jeff founded. It was widely known then that Hal planned to retire the following year, and that Jeff had moved home from Washington, D.C., to claim his father's seat. (That puts a whole different spin on "Come Home.")

Jeff referenced the Come Home project throughout the 2002 campaign. However, other than subsequent election-year letters to the editor and the latest ads, Jeff is not generally mentioned in connection with the program. News reports refer to it as a Metropolitan Development Association-run project.

What is his involvement with the program? What has the program done to bring people back to Syracuse? How many volunteers are there? How many people have used the program? Where does funding come from?

The concept of a Come Home program is good, but this sounds like an election-year gimmick. By the way, when Jeff came home to Syracuse, he had a friend to help him land a job - Gov. George Pataki, who appointed him to the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

Jim Brewster, Vice Chairman

Cayuga Co. Conservative Party

Again, if Jeff Brown is indeed responsible, we'd like some figures on the number of people who have sought information, how many have returned, and at what cost to the taxpayers. Until actual data is involved, the founding is moot.
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