Saturday, October 21, 2006

Details on Jeff Brown's NRA event no-show...

Reader Tom Queen passes along this account:

"On Thursday, October 19th, the National Rifle Association and its Institute
for Legislative Action held a Mix and Mingle event in Utica to help Second
Amendment activists to become more effective in their fight. The gathering
also doubled as an opportunity for State Senator Ray Meier to rally the
troops in his bid for the United States House of Representatives.

Assemblyman Jeff Brown, who is running for the State Senate in the 49th
District, was also to be included in the "rallying of the troops" aspect of
the Mix and Mingle. He was not only an integral part of the agenda, but his
presence was expected by seemingly everyone in attendance.

Assemblyman Brown did not show up in Utica on October 19th. No explanation
was given.

Perhaps he does not value the vote of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
movement. Or, maybe he has joined State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno in
the "pulling of the plug" and moved on to a planned GOP Assembly primary in

Either way, when he learned of the event after the fact, incumbent State
Senator Dave Valesky expressed his honest disappointment that he was not
invited and that he was unable to attend. Is there a decent friend to gun
owners right under their nose and they do not even see it, despite the fact
that all indications point to his upcoming landslide victory?"

thanks TQ

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