Saturday, October 21, 2006

Here is some *** "Breaking News"*** ... Is Jeff Brown really 17 Points behind?

While the poll has not been released yet (or may never be by Jeff Brown) unnamed sources have confirmed that the recent poll conducted by Jeff Stonecash paid for by Jeff Brown's campaign (Joe Bruno's money) is rumored to show Jeff Brown trailing Senator Valesky by 17%... can you say landslide?

It is time for Jeff to start planning his comeback to his old 121st Assembly seat. He should save some of the money the bobblehead Joe has given him to Primary in 2008... Unless he is planning to continue to work for the law firm that supports the OIN and bank on them to fund his next campaign?

Brown said "my opponent (Dave Valesky) must like Joe Bruno ... he votes with him 98% of the time"... I guess Joe didn't realize that!

It is no wonder Bruno has "pulled the plug" on Jeff Brown's campaign!

Joe Bruno has finally done something right! The ship is sinking!

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