Saturday, October 28, 2006

Letters To The Editor
from the Auburn Citizen

Brown a no show when it comes to community values

Friday, October 27, 2006 9:23 AM EDT

The “no show” of Assemblyman Jeff Brown at the Holiday Inn introduction to the candidate's forum sponsored by the NAACP and Options for Independence held on Oct. 5. has raised many questions.

The TV and radio waves are full of Jeff Brown ads that the Senate Republican Campaign Committee is paying for with donations of more than $700,000, thanks to Senator Joe Bruno who wants Senator Dave Valesky defeated. These ads claim everything from not raising taxes to supporting jobs and education.

A few of the questions I would have liked to ask Jeff Brown are:

• While you claim that you never voted to raise taxes, why do you continue to vote for Medicaid funding for abortions? Who do you think pays the high cost of hospital bills covered by Medicaid funding? Could it be the taxpayers?

• Why did you vote to override the governor on the minimum wage veto? Was it an election year prop?

• Why do you oppose school vouchers and oppose increasing education funding for state mandated programs?

• Why does the New York State Business Council rate your performance in the Assembly in 2004 and 2005, with one of their lowest ratings when Senator Ray Meier gets “A,” Senator Mike Nozzolio “B,” and Senator Dave Valesky “B.”

• Why do you now say it was a mistake to have voted to allow teens to get the Morning After Pill (as it is commonly known) in 2005 and 2006 on the Assembly floor? Just this year another mistake? It seems to me that Jeff Brown is too liberal for this area. Maybe he should go back to Syracuse and practice law with the firm he works for that represents the Oneida Indians.

Jim Brewster


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