Friday, October 20, 2006

Three more issues...

Jeff Brown works for Mackenzie-Hughes Law firm and that firm represents the Oneida Indian Nation and Ray Hallibriter the Nation-appointed leader.

Now Brown wants a "negotiated settlement" in the dispute ... is this a conflict of interest?
Brown should give back the money donated by Mackenzie-Hughes to his Senate campaign to clear the air.

Jeff Brown was scheduled to a meet and greet with the NRA on Thursday night and was a "no show"! Has he chickened out from meeting the Conservative Chairs face to face --again?

Jeff Brown supports reproductive cloning. He voted for A 6249.

A 6249 - This bill seeks to enact the Reproductive Cloning Prohibition and Research Protection Act. CPNYS opposes any bill that would allow for human cloning for any purpose and while the title of the bill would have people believe this bill prohibits cloning, the language of the bill does not.

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