Friday, November 10, 2006

Breaking News-

I think it's time we call for Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno to resign. Bruno has demonstrated that he is no longer the leader of the Republican Party, and it is obvious that the People of New York are not willing to play that game any longer.

It is shameful that the Democrats pulled 75% of the gubernatorial vote in a state where most Congressional elections were much closer. Why would the Republicans concede defeat? Were they tired of governing?

Bruno rose to power ousting Senator Ralph Marino when Gov. George Pataki came to power. Many observers believe that Marino's support of Herb London the Conservative Party candidate for Governor in 1990 was the reason they went after Marino. This is the time for a real Conservative-Republican coalition to start working

Now that Pataki has faded into the must Joe Bruno.


Looks like Hammer's 17% Valesky poll was complete fiction. The actual vote was 18%. Sorry Hammer, you should pay closer attention.

Is there an official "Upstate Conservatives Coalition" website?

Who is active in the coalition? How does one become active?

Via the Reith show, I heard that there will be several initiatives go get rid of Bruno... what are they, and are there similar plans for his majesty, "King Silver"?

Prior to this election I told everyone I knew that they should vote Democrat in the State Senate and Republican for the Assembly - to remove the Bozo-Twins from their seats of power. Obviously that didn't happen. What is the game plan now?
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