Saturday, October 28, 2006

Letters To The Editor
from the Auburn Citizen

Brown a no show when it comes to community values

Friday, October 27, 2006 9:23 AM EDT

The “no show” of Assemblyman Jeff Brown at the Holiday Inn introduction to the candidate's forum sponsored by the NAACP and Options for Independence held on Oct. 5. has raised many questions.

The TV and radio waves are full of Jeff Brown ads that the Senate Republican Campaign Committee is paying for with donations of more than $700,000, thanks to Senator Joe Bruno who wants Senator Dave Valesky defeated. These ads claim everything from not raising taxes to supporting jobs and education.

A few of the questions I would have liked to ask Jeff Brown are:

• While you claim that you never voted to raise taxes, why do you continue to vote for Medicaid funding for abortions? Who do you think pays the high cost of hospital bills covered by Medicaid funding? Could it be the taxpayers?

• Why did you vote to override the governor on the minimum wage veto? Was it an election year prop?

• Why do you oppose school vouchers and oppose increasing education funding for state mandated programs?

• Why does the New York State Business Council rate your performance in the Assembly in 2004 and 2005, with one of their lowest ratings when Senator Ray Meier gets “A,” Senator Mike Nozzolio “B,” and Senator Dave Valesky “B.”

• Why do you now say it was a mistake to have voted to allow teens to get the Morning After Pill (as it is commonly known) in 2005 and 2006 on the Assembly floor? Just this year another mistake? It seems to me that Jeff Brown is too liberal for this area. Maybe he should go back to Syracuse and practice law with the firm he works for that represents the Oneida Indians.

Jim Brewster


Monday, October 23, 2006

Manufacturers make endorsements
from the Sunday 10/22
Syracuse Post-Standard

In a surprise move by the generally Republican-friendly Manufacturers Association of Central New York, the body’s political arm this year decided not to endorse Jeff Brown – preferred candidate of Republican state Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno – for the senate’s 49th District.

read the full story

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Details on Jeff Brown's NRA event no-show...

Reader Tom Queen passes along this account:

"On Thursday, October 19th, the National Rifle Association and its Institute
for Legislative Action held a Mix and Mingle event in Utica to help Second
Amendment activists to become more effective in their fight. The gathering
also doubled as an opportunity for State Senator Ray Meier to rally the
troops in his bid for the United States House of Representatives.

Assemblyman Jeff Brown, who is running for the State Senate in the 49th
District, was also to be included in the "rallying of the troops" aspect of
the Mix and Mingle. He was not only an integral part of the agenda, but his
presence was expected by seemingly everyone in attendance.

Assemblyman Brown did not show up in Utica on October 19th. No explanation
was given.

Perhaps he does not value the vote of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
movement. Or, maybe he has joined State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno in
the "pulling of the plug" and moved on to a planned GOP Assembly primary in

Either way, when he learned of the event after the fact, incumbent State
Senator Dave Valesky expressed his honest disappointment that he was not
invited and that he was unable to attend. Is there a decent friend to gun
owners right under their nose and they do not even see it, despite the fact
that all indications point to his upcoming landslide victory?"

thanks TQ

Here is some *** "Breaking News"*** ... Is Jeff Brown really 17 Points behind?

While the poll has not been released yet (or may never be by Jeff Brown) unnamed sources have confirmed that the recent poll conducted by Jeff Stonecash paid for by Jeff Brown's campaign (Joe Bruno's money) is rumored to show Jeff Brown trailing Senator Valesky by 17%... can you say landslide?

It is time for Jeff to start planning his comeback to his old 121st Assembly seat. He should save some of the money the bobblehead Joe has given him to Primary in 2008... Unless he is planning to continue to work for the law firm that supports the OIN and bank on them to fund his next campaign?

Brown said "my opponent (Dave Valesky) must like Joe Bruno ... he votes with him 98% of the time"... I guess Joe didn't realize that!

It is no wonder Bruno has "pulled the plug" on Jeff Brown's campaign!

Joe Bruno has finally done something right! The ship is sinking!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Postcard to Joe Bruno...

copy and paste this into a document and print it out.

TO: Senator Joseph L. Bruno

New York State Senate

909 Legislative Office Building

Albany, NY 12247

Dear Senator Bruno:

Please listen to the New York State Conservative Party… spending is out of control! And tax hikes are NOT the answer.

I urge you to stop spending my money. Every fee you raise and every tax you increase to pay for reckless and wasteful spending requires me to work longer hours and have less time with my family. I’m tired of working and paying for YOUR wasteful spending. Spending is the problem. Tax hikes are not the answer. I’m helping the Conservative Party drive that message home to you and your colleagues.


(insert your name here)

Copied from the website of the New York State Conservative Party . . 718-921-2158

486 78th Street . Fort Hamilton Station, New York 11209

Three more issues...

Jeff Brown works for Mackenzie-Hughes Law firm and that firm represents the Oneida Indian Nation and Ray Hallibriter the Nation-appointed leader.

Now Brown wants a "negotiated settlement" in the dispute ... is this a conflict of interest?
Brown should give back the money donated by Mackenzie-Hughes to his Senate campaign to clear the air.

Jeff Brown was scheduled to a meet and greet with the NRA on Thursday night and was a "no show"! Has he chickened out from meeting the Conservative Chairs face to face --again?

Jeff Brown supports reproductive cloning. He voted for A 6249.

A 6249 - This bill seeks to enact the Reproductive Cloning Prohibition and Research Protection Act. CPNYS opposes any bill that would allow for human cloning for any purpose and while the title of the bill would have people believe this bill prohibits cloning, the language of the bill does not.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Brewster Questions Brown

Will Jeff Brown disclose his actual involvement?

from the Syracuse Post-Standard
October 19, 2006

Brown's 'Come Home' program raises questions

To the Editor:

Assemblyman Jeff Brown's campaign ads tout the "Come Home to Syracuse" program as an indication of his commitment to the area.

In December 2001, then-Assemblyman Hal Brown spent $6,191 in taxpayer money on a newsletter featuring a photograph of father and son, with a quotation from Hal supporting Come Home as a program Jeff founded. It was widely known then that Hal planned to retire the following year, and that Jeff had moved home from Washington, D.C., to claim his father's seat. (That puts a whole different spin on "Come Home.")

Jeff referenced the Come Home project throughout the 2002 campaign. However, other than subsequent election-year letters to the editor and the latest ads, Jeff is not generally mentioned in connection with the program. News reports refer to it as a Metropolitan Development Association-run project.

What is his involvement with the program? What has the program done to bring people back to Syracuse? How many volunteers are there? How many people have used the program? Where does funding come from?

The concept of a Come Home program is good, but this sounds like an election-year gimmick. By the way, when Jeff came home to Syracuse, he had a friend to help him land a job - Gov. George Pataki, who appointed him to the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

Jim Brewster, Vice Chairman

Cayuga Co. Conservative Party

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 is discovered by the Albany Times-Union

Elizabeth Benjamin writes in part...
When Dadey dropped out (after losing his job with Clough Harbour, which he accused Bruno of engineering - an allegation Bruno hotly denied), the local Conservatives tried to run an enrolled member of their party, Nancy Brown, in his place. But their efforts were foiled in court.

Bruno, via the Republican Senate Campaign Committee, has poured more than $600,000 into Jeff Brown’s campaign.
(emphasis ours)

follow the link for the full item

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 makes Syracuse news...

from the Political Notebook on Tuesday 10/17, Frederic Pierce writes:
How to find the middle of the road
Assemblyman Jeff Brown this week is taking hits from the right and the left.

A conservative group Monday launched an anti-Brown Web site that pictures him as a bobblehead doll and uses a pair of flip-flops to symbolize his political positions.


It’s becoming a familiar straddle for Brown, a Republican who’s giving up his Assembly seat in hopes of toppling freshman Democratic state Sen. Dave Valesky in the 49th District.

Upstate Conservatives -- a group started by many of the disaffected Conservative Party members who had wanted to run Republican maverick Tom Dadey against Valesky instead of Brown -– opened the site Dump Jeff Brown over the weekend.

The version in the paper is a little different from the website. See page B-2, top left.

Monday, October 16, 2006

We like what you're thinking:

Mark David Blum writes about Jeff Brown on his website The Mark Blum Report. Here is a quote of what he wrote

Jeff Brown Breaks Republican Bank to Steal Seat
By Mark David Blum, Esq.

Already having spent more than ¾ of a million dollars, Josef Bruno and the Deep Pocket Republicans are working overtime to unseat a productive and valuable State Senator for only one reason; because they the Republicans want to expand and strengthen their choke hold around the neck of the Senate and New Yorkers...

Please click the link above for the full scoop from Mr. Blum directly. We want to make it clear that Mr. Blum does not write for us, we just liked his article and are linking to it.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday Quiz Question
from the Syracuse Post-Standard

2. Gov. George Pataki asked Assemblyman Jeff Brown, who is running against Sen. David Valesky for the 49th District state Senate seat, to be his representative at the announcement of the Honeywell agreement. This, despite the fact that Onondaga Lake is not in the district of Brown, who is a Republican like Pataki. This is known as:

a) Brown Bagging

b) Brown Fielding

c) Brown Nosing

d) Brown Sugar

Can I vote E) All the above? Leave your vote in the comments!

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